SecureIt – Virus Protection Software
Is your computer safe from spyware, viruses, and worms?
Think again! 80% of computer users are not aware that they have spyware programs on their computer and 63% of computer users have experienced at least one problem associated with sypware or viruses in the past year.
$5.95 per month
A Fresh Start Installation Fee of $34.95 also applies.
SecureIT Plus provides the only fully automated and guaranteed computer protection service designed for your home or small business.
With SecureIT Plus you’ll never have to think about Internet Security again!
SecureIT Plus Features
Installation includes: Verify and establish a connection, check/verify system requirements, look for and remove previous antivirus software, check for infections/malicious software (Terminate any running processes that are in our active spyware/virus list and identify hidden and high risk software, remove malicious software and threats, scan the computer’s memory and hard drive for any further security threats and advise you on how to avoid future infections), remove any unnecessary start-up items for better performance of the PC after restart, install SecureIT and ensure all components are updated and running (Apply any Windows critical patches).